Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Leveling WOW from 50 to 60 Fast

By Thomas Ealand

After World of Warcraft Cataclysm is launched, leveling experience is more or less changed. It makes players earn WOW power leveling experience faster and more efficiently. Thus, no matter you are questing, running random dungeons or running the Alterac Valley battleground, you can level form 50 to 60 much faster in WOW Cataclysm.

Before you go to the dungeons, you should read the intricate strategies. Preparation can help players avoid unnecessary problems in dungeons. After that, you should gear up. Bring enough arrows, shots, food, beverages, potions and other things you might need in the game.

Don't just travelling all over the world looking for a place to post upward. What players should do is to look for another good place to start, a place where players do level simply by moving north, south, east or west to another zone, a place where players won't think they are just killing the low-level enemies and it's a waste of time. Player should study the map for the game and find out which places serve as hubs to other zones with more than 4 off-shooting streets leading to different surrounding areas in the game.

Next, invest in some chat gear. In most of the high-level raids as well as dungeons, players should talk to their group members as fast and efficiently as they can. The keyboard will cut what you have type if you type slower than 90 words per minute. Fortunately, players can turn to some programs. What's more, if you buy one, other members in you group can use it for free in the game.

Finish all the quests in Swamp of Sorrows when running random dungeons after you find a group. All gamers can eventually be guided to Blasted Lands. Then, finish the quests in Blasted Lands until you get to level 58. What's more, gamers can go through the Dark Portal in Blasted Land at once after you get to level 58. All players will get quests pointing them to Thrallmar and Honor Hold respectively. After doing these quests, you will soon get to level 60 in the game.

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