Thursday, November 15, 2012

The World Of Gaming Is Dead

By Shawn Tesker

Playing games is pretty big for me. I consider myself a hardcore gamer owning all the three major consoles from Sony Microsoft and Sega. I enjoy playing all of them.

However, lately or more like for the past three years I feel like the gaming world is not moving at all. All we get are super hyped games that don't deliver.

For example, diablo 3, guild wars 2 and a few others I rather not name. I invested 60$ for each of these games, enjoyed it for a few hours or a couple of days, and then I was back to my normal routine leaving them to "gather dust" sort speak.

I must admit I am not the average gamer but still this is getting old as a gamer that usually don't bother with any game that doesn't contain an online version, I feel that the gaming manufactures and designers are out of ideas.

These few years in the gaming world every game just seems to promise the world and fail to deliver, it creates the feeling that's there's nothing new.

There is an heavy buzz around many gaming community that every game is just boring and game makers are just out of ideas.

Look at the gear, the computers the mouses the screens all got better, stronger, faster and with the ability to deliver us so much more a 20 mega and even 100 mega internet connections are now super cheap, I got my 100 mega broad-band connection for 10$ a month(that's like 2 cups of Joe) yet where is our game? sitting in the past, running on old engines and aged ideas failing or even unwilling to give us something better.

I can understand, maybe they're saying don't fix what is not broken it might be true in some cases, for example, the world of warcraft mists of pandaria. The world of warcraft is the largest online game in the world and yet it a drop lately although the new mists of pandaria blizzard expect a rise in subscribes.

Ok so don't make a new world of warcraft, no one asked you to, but where is the new engine, Where is the super unknown graphic even 3d graphics or maybe a better sound and what about stories or abilities in games, everything is just the same, our programmers and game developers have just stopped daring themselves and trying to do brand new things?

A few nice games did come out these last few years like the league of legends that really got me hocked but few others I must admit.

There is one exception in all of this in the recent few months we got a new game called the secret world which has a fantastic idea for it but because of its complexity it is currently really bad on the controls and movement animations, but at least they are giving us something new.

Back in the day I used to love trying game after gamer but now when my time is short, and I only got an hour a day to play sometimes none I prefer actually playing games instead of trying a new one each day.

Blowing off steam online (and I don't mean the kinky option) is one of my favorite things to do on my spare time between work.

If you believe that the gaming industry is falling down, please like and twitt this article and if possible comment, and if were lucky enough maybe some gaming company will manage to notice this call.

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