Tuesday, November 27, 2012

WOW Leveling and Gold

By Gerard Niemietz

No doubt that WOW power leveling is an extremely important thing for the players in World of Warcraft. Here are some warning tips about it for you to learn.

First of all, players must do WOW powerleveling until they get to level 80. Run Caverns of Time: The Culling of Stratholme. After you don't need to farm keys for Heroics, you should level up to 80, or you cannot go into a Heroic instance.

If the enemies you kill are in yellow level, you should kill more of them, because they are good sources of experience points and loot. Kill them until your bags are full and you are feeling bored about killing. Then, complete the quest you are doing and move on. Actually, these areas are also good places to farm if you are prepared to come back, especially when farming is the most important thing for your character to finish gear and advancement. If you are short of money and wish loot, just farm in these areas. In addition , farming when doing quests is a great way to fill your bags with loot and make experience a boost.

Then, streamline your talents towards maximum DPS. In dungeons, DPS (damage per second) is relegated to the tanks and warrior classes. They will hold the enemies in place with threat while others blast the heck out of these elite beasts.

Then, Haul it through the Gauntlet. This means you should run through a burning street filled with undead after you kill Chrono Master Epoch. This needs chain-pulling elite mobs fast so that they don't attack Arthas. He is not elite and will get eaten alive by elite mobs. Thus, stop if you can. Next, run left. Avoid talking to Arthas and starting the final event. You should the actual street around to the left, and then find a Bronze Dragon interrogated by an Infinite Dragon, which is the boss you are right after. Finally, kill it and get a free epic flying mount, and then, go back to get mounts for your friends and speak to Arthas to go to the final fight with Mal'Ganis. Destroy Mal'Ganis and loot his chest to finish the instance.

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