Wednesday, November 28, 2012

WOW Leveling and Gold Guidelines

By Steven Rosson

No doubt that WOW leveling is an extremely important thing for the players in WOW. Here are some warning tips about it for you to learn.

This actually is a warning to tell you that you should do other things now. If you meet this problem, you should go to another nearby places with enemies in the yellow zone.

If the enemies you kill are in yellow level, you should kill more of them, because they are good sources of experience points and loot. Kill them until your bags are full and you are feeling bored about killing. Then, complete the quest you are doing and move on. Actually, these areas are also good places to farm if you are willing to come back, especially when farming is the most important thing for your character to finish gear and advancement. If you are short of money and wish loot, just farm in these areas. In addition , farming when doing quests is a great way to fill your bags with loot and earn experience a boost.

For the players who already have WOW leveling guides, they know looking for this sort of stuff in the map for questing is really easy. The guides have shown the information of these areas in the map, the areas broken down by enemies and their levels. Players can just follow the dots which show all the key areas to complete on the map, without guessing which place is the best to go to for power leveling.

Players buy level proper gear to make sure that their characters are in the highest security condition. The ability to ingredients necessary to raise their profession skill ratings can ensure their character stays in top form.

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