Monday, June 27, 2011

Computer Repair - Issues, Hitches And Resolutions

By Simon Banbridge

Repairing a computer is generally a course in logical deduction and hope. They're not very reliable machines in the grand scheme of things and will sometimes apparently break for no reason. While some can attributed to human error, many problems arise from old age as well. Machines that have been purchased several years back by users who know little about computers often break for many reasons, especially lack of care. Let's look at some computer repair tips.

Software Fixes

Microsoft Windows is the most common operating system in the computing world and with every evolution of the program, it grows stronger and more advanced. While this sounds great, the truth of the matter is that no software is completely foolproof. To combat the holes that remain within the software, we use anti-virus software. Combined with common sense and the integrated features of Windows, it's almost impossible to get a virus or other malicious program.

Anti-virus software will offer scans, but real-time protection may require a subscription. This will prevent viruses from being uploaded to your computer while you're using it. While common sense is one of the best defenses, we can't be prepared for everything. If a virus does infiltrate your computer and damage the software, then you may be left with little choice.

An operating system reinstall will wipe all data from the hard drive and allow you to start anew. With no more junk or bloated registry entries, you may find that the performance will increase dramatically. Be sure to back up your important files before doing this.

Hardware Fixes

Dust is a primary problem with older computers. It gathers on all the components and blocks airflow. This forces the parts to overheat and cause involuntary shutdowns in order to preserve the components. A simple clean and check of the cables should prevent this problem from arising. If an issue does arise and you believe it's a component, swap the non-essential ones out, until you find the broken part, or take it to your local computer repair shop.

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