Monday, June 27, 2011

How You Can Prevent The Need For Computer Repair

By Karl Underway

Owning a computer can be a great way to have fun, increase efficiency and broaden your knowledge base among other things. Of course, computers can also be the source of much frustration and many headaches. When something goes wrong, people have been known to go off the deep end. Things like a DVD drive that will not play, a slow response time or a slew of pop up ads can drive people crazy. People literally scream, curse and pound their fists over these problems. Here we will take a look at a few of the things you can do to try and prevent the need for expensive computer repair later.

The best thing you can do with your computer is to take preventative measures that help stave off problems. If your system is online, you will want to install an anti-virus package and firewall software. This will go a long way to keep your PC healthy.

Don't forget that your hard drive is a mechanical device. People with laptops can sometimes jostle their computers. Be sure your laptop has powered off before you throw it into your backpack and toss it over your shoulder.

When it comes to DVD drives, it is in your interest to treat it gently. This means not just shoving it back into the computer after you have loaded a disc. Instead use the insert/eject button to play it.

Of course there will be times when even with your best efforts, you still have a problem. When this happens, it might be best to look to a professional for help. A computer repair pro can diagnose the problem and tell you how much it will cost to fix it. You can then decide whether you feel it is worth fixing or whether it should just be replaced.

Computers are generally very reliable. Preventative measures can go far in keeping them that way.

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