Sunday, June 26, 2011

Limited Budgets And Making A Top Video Game

By Sakis Mavromatis

When it comes to top video games today, a whopper budget is required to get them into production and some of these budgets are more than the cost of making an average Hollywood movie; however, it is understandable when you think of the money that these games make for the developers.

A lot of the production teams on the game development programs are getting so much bigger and this has a lot to do with the fact that there is so much more to these games than just thrashing the joystick.

The cut scenes in most new games play exactly like a movie and they are there to purely add a storyline or plot to the action which helps immerse the player. So how can a small game development company compete with the big boys like Blizzard or Activision?

There really is only one way to compete with the big boys and that would be to find a niche that will have people hooked. On Facebook there are a multitude of small games that have people addicted to running a make believe farm or playing gangster. These games have become really profitable and are very popular despite the fact that they have been made on a limited budget.

You could always start with the mobile phone market in terms of creating a video game on a tight budget; if you stick to the Android platform then you will not be expected to pay a huge licensing fee as you would if you targeted Apple for example. So is it possible to start making hit games from your bedroom?

Well in theory yes you can because as long as you have a decent grasp of flash and how to make flash games then all you need is to find the magic formula that has games like Tetris in the halls of fame.

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