Thursday, June 23, 2011

WoW Cataclysm Mining Guide Can Help Other Professions

By Jurinsthea Smith

World of Warcraft, or WoW, entered the video game scene in 2004. Since its release, it has grown to a community of over 12 million players, with people enjoying the rich virtual world of Azeroth. The game's producer, Blizzard, has even released a new expansion called Cataclysm that has introduced lots of changes to the world, and is sure to only increase the game's appeal. A WoW Cataclysm Mining guide will give the information to increase your skills and gold.

In the game, there are skills known as professions. They enable players to make in-game items and gold. One of these professions is Mining, where players mine virtual mineral deposits for metals. These metals are used in the professions of Blacksmithing, Engineering, and Jewelcrafting. Because the metals are needed for other professions, Mining can be a great way to make gold. A guide can help you make more gold even faster.

In WoW, virtual mineral deposits are scattered across the map. They appear randomly, and disappear once they've been mined by a player. It can be difficult to find out where certain kinds of deposits appear in each area.

Here's where a guide can help. It can make using your profession a lot easier by letting you know the best areas to find the metals you're looking for. You'll also be able to find out what level your profession needs to be so you can effectively mine the metal you need.

The onset of Cataclysm has added some changes to the areas in the game. Entire swaths of the world have been altered, sometimes changing which metals appear in which area. The expansion has even caused some areas to swap their allegiances, so that a long-standing Alliance area could now belong to the Horde instead.

You can also make gold more quickly with a Cataclysm guide. Metals are valuable in WoW. Other professions need them to make items, so players are always looking for more. There are auction houses in the game where players can auction off the metals they've mined to other players. With foreknowledge of where to do the best mining, you can easily auction off all the metals you've collected for a steep profit.

WoW is a fun way to spend a few hours in a virtual world. But like the real world, there's an economy to think about, and professions fuel that economy. Unlike real life, however, you can figure out all the best places to exercise that profession with the right information. It will give you the information you need to really get your skills up, and can even help you make extra money while you play. If only real life came with something like a Wow Cataclysm Mining guide.

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