Wednesday, June 29, 2011

A Guide To Opening A Case While Performing Computer Repair Jobs At Home

By Paul Incis

PC problems are something that happens to everyone and paying professionals to fix the problem is not always the option. When taking it to a shop is not in the budget a viable option is DIY computer repair. In an effort to assist individuals taking on this project, the following document has bee designed as a walk through for side panel removal.

Prior to working on a machine a good idea is to use something to mark the cables as they are removed. The connections include peripheral cables such as a mouse and keyboard, monitor cable, and power cable. Once they are marked properly disconnect them and set them aside until it is time to reconnect them.

Upon disconnecting the cables, locate a place to work that is free of clutter. Finding an area which is about waste level to the person performing the repairs will provide a comfortable working environment. Another item to grab is something to put the screws into so they are not lost.

An anti static strap is required to protect the internal components from the effects of static electricity. A strap of this type can be purchased online or in a store and usually goes around the wrist and the other end connects to a metal part of the chassis. Wearing this device will keep the components from being damaged during the process.

Screw drivers are next and allow access to the machine by removing screws that secure the panel. Once the PC is placed on the table, use the screw driver to remove the screws securing the PCs side panel. These are located in the rear of the machine and in some cases there are no screws just a lever. If this is the case, either slide or pull the locking mechanism and it will come free.

After the side has been removed, the system will be accessible and the computer repair can begin. When the faulty components have been replaced with new ones, secure the side with screws or the locking mechanism. Take the machine back to its original place and reconnect everything then turn it on and make sure everything works correctly.

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