Wednesday, June 15, 2011

A Few Of The Various Achievements You Can Achieve On COD4 Game Server Hosting

By David Berg

The developers of Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare have deviated from their tried and tested World War II setting in their newest instalment. In Call of Duty 4 (COD4), you're in a contemporary setting with modern guns and a storyline that's more or less reminiscent of the issues that are plaguing the world today. Although the single player mode can be over in a flash, the Achievements and storyline make playing the game again and again worthwhile. The multiplayer mode allows you to get on COD4 servers and interact with other players online, and certain features are only available on multiplayer. You can also play and familiarize yourself with areas on the map with your friends on a private server. A set back to playing on private servers, however, is that you don't get any experience points regardless of how well or how long you play.

Thanks to dedicated gaming servers, players from all over the globe can opt to play in gaming arenas with strangers or in private rooms with their friends. The number of unlockables available on multiplayer mode more than makes up for the lack of multiplayer Achievements on Call of Duty 4. These unlockables don't really require a particular skill; they become available once you've reached a certain level. Some unlockables are fun to play, which is why so many people play on COD4 servers AND Call of Duty 4 servers. Gamers can play either weapons or training challenges, get perks, or unlock certain weapons when they're playing on a Call of Duty 4 server.

Challenges can be for either training or weapons. Weapons challenges are further divided into Marksman and Expert challenges, and both require mastery of the use of the particular weapon involved. On the other hand, training challenges involve tasks which must be completed in exchange for experience points. Some players will go on a COD4 server to ask for assistance from other players in completing the harder training challenges.

Thanks to unlockable weapons and perks which can be used to customize your character and improve your gameplay, Call of Duty 4 hosting is still as popular as ever. You can equip three kinds of perks at a time (inventory, passive abilities, and active abilities), and each kind of perk affects a different aspect of gameplay.

Despite the lack of achievements for multiplayer mode, Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare is still arguably one of the best first person shooters out there, and it's definitely more fun and exciting to play in multiplayer mode. Playing with and against other people is more challenging and interesting than playing against programmed computers, which is why you should get playing on a COD4 server now!

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