Friday, August 12, 2011

Finding Value in Web Hosting.

By William MacMahon

The web hosting industry has changed dramatically over the past decade. As the cost of clock cycles decrease and the availability of new Internet connectivity expands, the cost of web hosting has decreased. If you haven't had a close look at your web host since you first had your website designed, perhaps it's time to look again at web hosting companies that are paving the way for value within the industry.

The cost of web hosting has consistently dropped and nowadays, many web hosts not only offer low price, but also offer additional free resources like free domains, control panels, add on scripts and even free marketing money from programs like Google AdWords.

So how do you get your fair share of these free features? Contact your hosting company today and make sure that you understand the current web hosting package that you are using. Also, have a look at their website - do they offer a free control panel, free domain, 24/7 support and other features that are now industry standard?

If your hosting company doesn't have a good uptime record, doesn't offer a control panel, 24/7 support, free scripts and other goodies, it's time to find a new host. Most small business hosting plans are available now days for less than $10 monthly, which offer unlimited disk storage, unlimited bandwidth and even an unlimited number of websites that can be hosted on your account.

So what if your host is a dud? If you need to move to a new webhost, the process is fairly easy. If you're currently using the cPanel control panel, the process is very simple. Essentially, you can simply backup your existing website to a file on your server, download the file and upload it to your new web host.

Domain name registrars have the authority to register and maintain domain name registrations. Companies like GoDaddy and Yahoo! offer both web hosting and domain name registration. Many website owners find that it is most convenient to have one vendor handle both their domain name registration as well as their web hosting.

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