Saturday, September 10, 2011

The benefits of computer gaming

By James Brown

No longer is computer gaming identified as a small pastime, these days it is one of the most passionate hobbies for adults and children. Experts have said that the introduction of more computer games and different gaming systems has led to this increase in popularity, with statistics showing that a startling number of adults and children play on a gaming console for over an hour each day. The sudden dependence and increase in computer gaming has led to a lot of criticism; with a number of parent groups arguing that computer gaming has a negative effect on adults and children in particular. Experts have also stated that computer gaming does have a number of negative aspects, in particular it can sometimes lead to violent behaviour and addiction.

Despite a large amount of criticism from parent groups, experts and the media, computer gaming remains a popular pastime for adults and children. One of the main reasons why it remains the main hobby of children and adults is that recent studies, undertaken by experts, have revealed that there are a number of benefits to computer gaming, if enjoyed in moderation.

A few of the main benefits of computer gaming is that it can enhance and develop a gamers creativity. A lot of computer games offer a range of different scenario's and settings which can stimulate the mind, especially in children. This stimulation has been proven to improve a gamer's creativity as well as inculcate a passion for graphics, design and technology.

Another fantastic benefit of computer games is that it can improve an adults and a child's hand-eye coordination. This is often a skill that can be difficult to improve, with very few other hobbies offer this benefit.

A surprising benefit of certain computer games is that it enhances a variety of different mental skills, in particular it can improve an adult's or a child's decision making skills, instil strategic thinking as well as improve a person's reaction times. These intellectual developments are one of the main reasons why a large number of global military services are introducing soldiers to realistic war games as part of their regular training.

A great benefit of computer games is that they can help improve and create social bonds. Computer gaming enhances a person's social skills as well as help to create team players. One of the main ways computer gaming increases a gamers social skills is that it instils a large amount of self confidence. This increased self confidence means that gamers feel more comfortable in social situations.

A notable benefit of computer games is that it can help people with deficit disorders. Many computer games require a lot of concentration; this teaches children and adults to focus. This increased level of focus can then be translated to other areas of life and may help increase their social skills.

Clearly, it has a number of general and specific benefits to computer games for adults and children. However, the main aspect to remember is that a lot of these benefits are only developed when a gamer uses computer games for a limited amount of time.

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