Sunday, November 6, 2011

6 Tips To Help You Before You Quit Playing a New Game

By Juan Sanchez

It's hard to get into a new groove once we've settled into a favorite pattern of doing something and that of course includes playing new games or trying a new game system like the kinect for xbox 360. It's important to remember however that simply because you're not used to the way a new game plays or the way that a new system runs - it does not mean that there's an issue with it. The following offers some guidance on how to get over the obstacle of giving new games an opportunity.

1. Accept the blunders of your ways. Nothing is perfect and that obviously includes video games, the system that it plays on, and dare we say - even you! While trying a new game, you are bound to trip all over the place and make even some of the most goofiest mistakes that anybody could ever make. Try and remember that issues are inevitable and the even the master of all experts (that's you) can blunder your way through a new game.

Mistakes don't make you a terrible player. On the other hand, they're not making the game stupid or dumb. Actually it's quite the opposite. If you find yourself messing up during a new game, it is time that to slow down and give this game a second and more serious look. If something in the game tripped you up - you, the master of all gurus - then the game could not be as bad as you first thought.

2. Play a new game when you're "in the mood". What a fast paced world we are living in! So fast, that we erroneously expect to realise a game within the first 5 minutes of putting into the console! Then when we are not sure of what to do, the game becomes confusing , or simply dumb. Never try a new game when you're not in the mood to or when you're in a rush. New games require patience and an exhaustive read of its manual.

3. See the positive. There's something good about each video game - even the more violent ones (although we're not prepared to defend violent video games). While checking out a new game, consider what you like about the game in contrast to what you can't quite figure out what to do yet.

A positive perspective will carry on to other aspects of the game and before you know it, you will be encouraged to carry on with it and make some real progress.

4. Do not be such a know it all. Put simply, don't be blinded by your own conceit or talents in a specific brand of games that you close yourself off to new ways of accomplishing jobs. The most important room is the space to improve and your room is no exception.

Understand that the game you're playing might have something new to teach you about gaming as a whole. Then revel in it.

5. Continue to play. It's highly doubtful that anyone will like a new game in a single day. Keep playing a new game till you are absolutely sure that you do not ever wish to see it in your console again.

6. Play by yourself. It's quite possible that if you play a new game with a pal, you will be exposed to accepting your friend's feelings about the game as your own.

Play a new game by yourself so that you can translate your own feelings about the game and not anybody else's.

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