Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The Advantages Of Utilizing An Overlay Keyboard In Manufacturing Sites

By Philip Kidder

Typing assembly and quality control information into a computer can be time intensive. Every minute used typing at a keyboard is time not working on other work. Workers can spend hours typing shifts, downtime both scheduled and unscheduled, and defects to cite a few.

To speed data entry programs employ shortcut keys. Although shortcuts can speed up data entry speed they need to be learned and then recalled. We all have seen a quick key combination that we soon forgot.

Use of an overlay keyboard by itself or in combination with a normal keyboard can be the answer. An overlay keyboard adds the extra functionality that a standard keyboard doesn't. Your imagination is the only limit on how an overlay keyboard can be used in any application.

Items to search for in an overlay keyboard include:

Capability to replicate every characters and commands

Unlike a numeric keypad that simply sends numbers to the computer an overlay keyboard can transmit all of the characters or commands on a regular keyboard. This includes all possible control and alternate key combinations, arrow keys, page controls keys and tab key to cite a few.

Multiple characters/commands per key

Every key on an overlay keyboard is able to transmit any string of characters and commands. An individual key can send a single character/command to an arbitrarily long string.

Speed control

The speed of the computer, operating system and proficiency of the programmer all determine how fast the computer can handle characters. With an overlay keyboard you can fix a default speed at which characters and commands are sent to the computer and then change the speed as circumstances require. Also time delays can be included in a key sequence for sluggish section of program code.

Repeat commands

An overlay keyboard will allow a section of a key sequence to be repeated for as long the key is depressed. When the key is released the rest of the key sequence will be executed.

Plenty of keys that can be easily labeled

An overlay keyboard needs to have an abundance of keys that can be easily labeled. It needs to be straightforward to change the labels when the meaning of the keys change. It is also advantageous if the keys can be colored for easy location.

Easy to program

The overlay keyboard needs to be simple to configure. The commands should be straightforward and intuitive. Up loading the program into the keyboard should be quick and simple.


Like all tools that operated in an industrial setting an overlay key needs to be sturdy. The keyboard should be built of metal to survive heat, cold, dirty fingers and any other conditions the work environment may exhibit.

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