Thursday, May 12, 2011

Encourage Thinking Skills with Games

By Christine Jackson

There is no doubt about it, using pc games is a superb way to motivate children to expand their realm of thinking. Your choices for entertaining your child might seem numbered. Numerous individuals allow their children to spend quite a bit of time in front of the tv. But, what good does that do? If you want them to learn something while they are zoned out, you are totally lost. But, in the event you flip on the pc, download an excellent game, you may actually have the ability to encourage them to learn more and you will encourage good thinking skills also.

Thinking is not something that everybody can do well. Now, we are referring here to the thought process that goes along with solving issues. For numerous children, this is something they struggle with. Mom or Dad usually takes care of the issues. If something is not right, just call mom or dad. Even on the tv, that's full of real life and imaginary "problems" that need to be solved, there's no encouragement for children to come up with the solution. What occurs then? They just sit and watch and let someone else handle the problem.

But, what occurs when they're older or in a situation where they've to solve the issue at hand? Do they know how you can analyze their thoughts, ideas, and to find the right answer? Many don't. But, if you would like your child to be the one who does know how to flip the switch on and solve the problem, consider permitting them to sit in front of the computer instead of the television.

Alright, so an excessive amount of time in front of the computer isn't much better, but you will find methods to you make what time you do permit them to sit at the computer to be good times. This is you merely need to maximize what they're doing. There are many good games available that will be used to stimulate thinking in kids. For numerous individuals, this is the ideal way to go to encourage children to learn how to solve problems without letting them in on it! Yes, because games are fun, the child won't fight you on playing them. Much unlike a lesson plan, this way seems to encourage children to come back to the game time and time again, consequently getting the experiences they have to learn a thing or two.

But, what are these games? What are the options that are out there for your child? There are many games, and although we will only talk about a couple of here, discover ones that will function nicely with your child. What are his or her likes and dislikes? Sports? Television characters? Perhaps they enjoy space or under water adventures. Search out those games which will intrigue them as well as encourage them to think.

Some to think about include Big Thinkers Kindergarten and the series of Freddi Fish Adventures also as many other games particularly for kids. These are mainly for younger children, but you will discover many more for older children as well. In fact, think about giving your older children more puzzle related games to assist them along this course as well.

Whenever you give your child the gift of being a problem solver, they'll work through the scenarios that occur to them, big and small, without fear of not understanding how to handle them. They'll be more likely to do well in the real world then. What's more is that you can really feel good about all that time they invest in front of the tube (even though it's the computer not the tv!)

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