Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Xbox 360 - Do Not Attempt To Fix The RROD Before Reading This

By Marc Sandford

Think you can repair your Xbox by opening up the console? Some people have successfully done this but there are even more who have attempted self repair and failed. If you want a working Xbox instead of a piece of scrap, be sure to avoid the following 5 hazards:

1.) Using bad or incomplete information.

There is lots of free information on the Internet about fixing the red ring of death but much of this is either hearsay, unproven, or incorrect. Anyone regardless of their expertise can upload a home made video onto Youtube. Methods and techniques of all types can be found that may or may not work and may or may not damage your Xbox.

Even if the technique discussed is correct, it may be difficult or next to impossible to follow because the explanation and video was poor. Remember that the person providing this information doesn't have to answer to anyone if his advice causes damage to your console.

Getting a repair guide with a money back guarantee can be a sensible option. Make sure to check out several reviews on the guide before purchasing it.

2.) Static electricity.

Static discharge can damage microelectronics in an instant. You've almost certainly been shocked by static discharge in the past on a dry day. Touching a door handle or some other metallic object after scuffing your feet across the carpet can produce a shock.

If this should happen to a component in the console, it will be damaged. If it's very dry, do your repair on another day. Try wearing an anti-static wrist strap and avoid working on carpeting.

Place the console on an anti-static mat or on a large anti-static bag. Place any components that you remove into anti-static bags.

3.) Losing or breaking parts.

It is all to easy to lose track of small parts that you remove, not to mention the ease with which they can be broken. There's no reason to rush things. Be methodical and take it slowly. Make certain that you know where you are at each step of the repair.

4.) Using the wrong parts.

Many repair guides specify the use of commonplace items. Make sure that you use the precise item that is specified. You aren't at liberty to pick and choose as you please.

For example, you may be required to use washers in your repair. If you're supposed to use only one washer and you use two instead, then that's enough to prevent your Xbox from working. This also applies to washers that are too big or small or are made from the wrong material. If a plastic washer is specified, then don't use a metal one.

5.) Improper application of thermal compound.

It's well known that old dried out thermal paste can cause the red ring of death. Make sure to clean off the old thermal compound from the bottom of the heat sinks before applying new thermal compound. Don't apply too much as this can cause overheating problems. A thin coating will do. I recommend using Arctic Silver.

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