Friday, June 10, 2011

The very first Capsule Hotel in Wow

By Emily Tian

Last year, the very first capsule hotel in Wow was set up. At the really beginning, it was genuinely the paradise of all the Wow lovers. They squeezed into this tiny hotel and shared their Wow life together. There they played and talked about Wow as a big family. In addition, this interesting capsule hotel provided a platform for all of the Wow lovers to purchase WOW Golds and in an really secret way.

But superior times do not last lengthy. In this Could, the game authorities carried out a safety inspection all over the game region. They found that there was a fantastic fire danger in this capsule hotel. What is a lot more, some other safety concerns related to an excessive population density also emerged throughout this inspection. So the game authority decided to revoke the license of this hotel.

Despite the fact that this capsule hotel which is located in Wow Town is well-known for its low accommodation price and practical design, it has to be shut down because the construction supplies of this hotel contain a lot of inflammable substances. The authority has no other selections but to shut it down. What exactly is additional, the average room of every individual is less than 3 square meters, which can not meet the requirement of the government standard. The over-densely populated hotel will make it really challenging for the people today inside to escape if any danger occurs.

Some of them had been pleased, warm-hearted and active in their childhood. Right after 10 years, the scientists collected and analyzed their information once more, and then they pointed out the main factors which caused failed marriages.

The founder of this hotel was incredibly depressed to be informed of this poor news, but he said that he would not give up until this capsule hotel was able to open again.

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