Sunday, June 5, 2011

Web Hosting for Startups

By Gregory Trune

There are many things that one must keep in mind while venturing into the World Wide Web for the first time with the purpose of hosting a website for a new business or just with the intention of sharing knowledge. With the boom of the web world in today's era, one cannot think of starting a business without a website. A proper infrastructure, sales, marketing and product promotion are some of the things that one has to invest into when starting a new business. Startup companies operate on shoe string budgets and hence need to develop and host websites that are efficient as well as very cost-effective.

Website of a company plays a major role in creating awareness among the customers, making the presence of the company felt in the competitive market, getting traffic and creating a niche in the web world. If your business is Internet-based then your first priority becomes to host your website in the web world.

For a startup firm, there are a huge amount of companies that offer web hosting facilities. These services have been created with the startup firm in mind and will be adapted to suit their needs specifically. The web hosting firms will usually offer the advice of the SEO experts to ensure that customers are armed with good techniques to drive more custom to their store.

Steps for Web Hosting for startups:

It can be a little tricky to host a website for the first time. Following some of the basic steps that are listed here will enable any new user to make the best decision about what web hosting company is best for them and their needs:

* The first task should always be to search the internet and obtain as many price quotes as possible firm companies who offer web hosting services for new firms.

* Choose the one that best meets your budget and your requirements. Undertake a full search of what they offer, what their background is and if there are any other features. Compare this to some of the other sites you have seen.

Apply online - fill up the online form and provide it with all the required information like Name, Address, Country, Credit Card details etc.

* Wait for the approval which should arrive in a matter of days.

* With the application approved and a hosting account generated, start hosting your very own website.

What is a Web Hosting Startup package?

For firms who are looking to enter the internet for the first time, there is a great deal of companies to choose from who offer tailored web hosting startup packages. There are many reasons to start a website and it can include blogging or sharing information and knowledge with other people. It is quite common for new firms to have low needs and casual demands for their site and this is matched by having a limited budget. These are the constraints that web host providers will work round to offer special packages to new companies.

What should be in the typical Startup package provide by Web Hosts:

Here are some of the general features that you must look for in any startup Web Hosting package. However the below mentioned features may differ slightly from company to company:

* Web Management system - This will include a base amount of between 20MB and 50MB disk storage space. It should also include a minimum of 10GB each month for data transfers, the ability to have complete FTP and anonymous FTP access. In addition to these services, there should also be the provision of Static IP Address and Secure Server (SSL) Transaction Encryption.

* Email Features - Every web hosting package should feature email facilities. The majority of packages for startup firms have roughly 10 email accounts, which are commonly POP/Web accounts. There should also be the facility for email aliases and forwarding, the opportunity to have PGP Email Encryption, Personal SMTP Mail Server and lastly be equipped to provide an auto response facility within the email.

* E-Commerce - If you are looking to provide a shopping facility on your site, the following features will be vital. Having Password Protected Directories and Service Side Includes (SSI) can make your life much easier. As can having access to PHP4 Server-side Scripting and SSH-Secure Shell.

* Technical Support - Most new customers require the facility of 24 hour support, which can be offered through ticket support and it is common for firms to state they guarantee 99.9% uptime each year.

* Website Monitoring - Some of these packages include Wusage 7.0 Graphical Statistics, Raw Access Logs which can be downloaded and DailyData Backups.

Additional Software - The package may also include some additional software like Enhanced Support for FrontPage Extensions and Web Based Control Panel.

* Hardware & Network - There are many products that can come with these startup packages with a selection being Dual- 1 Ghz Pentium IV Servers, Custom Red Hat Server OS and Apache Server Software. There are also other products offered and these can include 10-T1, 5-DS3, and 1-OC3 Network Connectivity and Uninterruptible Power.

* Advanced Features - There are also a great deal of additional features of a more advanced nature that many web hosts are including in their startup packages. Some of these features include offering a 30 day money back guarantee, Custom Error Documents, Pico & Cron Tab, .htaccess and Joe. This is in addition to the following features: elm, vi, Pine, Emacs 20.4, Python & TCL Compilers, Java JDK, Perl, C and C++. And if that is not enough, some customers may also be offered CGI Bin, Custom MIME Types, bash, csh, tsh and Unix Shells.

Vital information that Startups need to know:

Before embarking on anything new, people should be aware of what goals they want to achieve and this is true for those starting a new business and who are looking to create a website. There is only the possibility to store and archive so much on their website so people must be aware of what they want to do in advance. Having a pre-advances clarification of their aims is vitally important to anyone looking to create a website. The following tips will be able to help someone focus their mind on what they want their website to do.

The attention span of a user is very short and hence the website for start-ups should look attractive and must be able to grab the attention of the readers. Ask self targeted questions like what will bring people to the website?

* Good use of search engine optimization facilities can be vital for any startup website and these should compliment the existing content on the site.

* Any new web owner should be aware of how they want their company or products promoted on the internet.

The website must be search engine friendly but also ensure that it is interactive and engages the user into the contents of the website.

With so many internet-based businesses sprouting throughout the world, ensure that your website is not just one among the crowd.

Do not go for shared web hosting services as it has no performance guarantees.

Ensure that the company that is hosting your website has fast connections

* Determine if your web host company has a Plan Bin case there is a power outage.

* Be sure to ask questions of their customer support service.

Before selecting a company, find out whether or not they provide the free access to a secure server for order processing, an online Web Site Manager and an online support manual.

While starting a new website, there are various pitfalls that one needs to avoid. A well structured and search engine optimized website can bring the right traffic and growth for the company. It is recommended to seek the help from the professional Web hosts who can tactfully recognize the requirements of the startups and provide the most efficient services.

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