Friday, June 3, 2011

Web Hosting: A Historic Perspective

By William MacMahon

Web hosting began in the year 1990 when Tim Berners Lee wrote the first web program. Many other programs were written thereafter, and many companies came up with their own web hosting service which made possible the present scenario, where there is tremendous growth in the arena of web hosting. It is also interesting to note that prior to 1991, nothing called web hosting was known to the humankind. This invariably means that there was no concept of the internet in 1991 as well. But if you want to find out the history of web hosting today, you would have to take recourse of the internet. Such has been its development! Technology has developed a lot, and the internet is the biggest development after the radio and the television. It is again worthwhile to note that internet is powered by more than 50 million websites, which form its core base. Ask yourself, what would you do online if there were no websites at all?

A look back at earlier days

It was in 1962 and through the eyes of J.C.R. Licklider that the genesis of the internet began at MIT. A whole host of articles were created by Licklider which shared his ideas about the Galactic Network which described computers being linked to each other, providing information resources that everyone could share. The Computer Science program at MIT was also known as the Advanced Research Project Agency [ARPA] and this was where Licklider was scheduled to visit. Whilst there, he would tell of his ideas and try to convince people there was a demand for this form of networking computers.

It is always interesting to be aware of the political background at the time and ARPA was developed at the same time as NASA. After the Russians launched Sputnik, their artificial satellite, there was a huge need for the Americans to keep pace with their Soviet counterparts. The first form of computer networking came through packet switching, which enabled data to be transferred as tiny packages through telephone lines which was a huge improvement over the previous form of utilizing circuit lines that were solid. A great benefit was that this connection was busy only when information was passing through and this helped to free up room to allow the computer to undertake additional tasks. Paul Baran invented the Hot Potato network design when he was trying to create a package that would ensure telecommunication data to be passed in the event of a nuclear war. This design was to play a major role in the development of the internet.

The progress of the internet continued apace and was benefited by computers being able to communicate with each other. It is fair to say that 1991 is a key year in internet history and although it was already around, its development was going to get much bigger. The National Science Foundation [NSF] played a massive role in this when they judged that there should be a lowering of the commercial limits placed on the web. This changed the internet and brought many new possibilities and advantages. E-commerce developed from this point and the rush of companies looking to be ready for the boom period was signing up in droves. It was near the end of 1991 when staff at CERN brought the WWW, World Wide Web to users and this system used HTML, otherwise known as Hyper Text Markup Language. HMTL was also the brainchild of Tim Berner Lee and he used the same technique to create URL, the uniform resource locator. That may just seem like the last in a long line of abbreviations but it has quickly became the frequently used term for finding the addresses of websites.

Internet no longer remained confined to the computer technicians, but with additions being constantly made to its format, it became increasingly used by the common man due to ease of understandability. But the complexities of the internet grew as well. The business sector forecasted that internet would have a great future, and they capitalized on it.

As the internet was starting out, it was expensive to host a web site but this is no longer the case but although it has gotten cheaper, it is still very difficult for some to use. There is no doubt that renting server space has now become a major business and it is true that there are as many firms offering services to host web sites as there are providing internet access. As computers have evolves, so has the internet. Equally, the business world has developed at a greater pace with the addition of web host providers and computers.

Today there are over 35,000 businesses that play host to in excess of 100 websites through their server. This industry is growing due to healthy competition and in the time it takes you to read this article, there are probably hundreds more companies who have joined up. The WWW has had many programs but the first was a hypertext editor which made its debut in the NeXt machine. This progress was brought about by Nicola Pellow, a student, who brought about the line mode browser. Its main purpose was to provide a platform for discussion by people looking to research certain areas and this was made possible by the server publishing details of HTTP, HTML and UDI. Further progress was enabled when internet browsers such as Mosaic or Cello were created which allowed people to operate and search on machines which were not the NeXT model. The next notable landmark year was 1994 which heralded the start of the World Wide Consortium when firms came together to develop similar practices for web usage and which became the basis for a world of web sites.

Prior to this, there had been publications of various TCP/IP related features which enabled networking without even knowing the potential that this protocol had for the future. In the past couple of years, most of the discussions at the IETF meeting gave a lot of importance to topics related to the TCP/IP protocols and the manner in which it could be expanded. For this purpose, some tools were required, and discussion was also done on its features. Some basic products meant for networking were developed for this purpose, which provided an internet connection. These were the limits to which commercial efforts went. But when the users of the internet grew substantially, it became an essential service and the internet captured the imagination of the common man. Technology developments had a big role to play in making this possible.

This can be seen in the way that many IT organizations such as Microsystems, Sun, Microsoft or IBM have moved into the internet market with an array of products, tools and other items to assist the development of the internet and web applications. There has been a development in the way that web servers are providing access to customers and the web pages that they need to visit, in addition to a large range of additional services and features.

The hardware manufacturers have also built power servers to catalyze the growth of the industry of web hosting. There has been a phenomenal change in how the internet is used. It has undergone a drastic change from the PC's [Personal Computers] to the client server to the P2P [Peer to Peer] network. Various features that have been made possible by the internet include sharing of data and information, emailing, remote logging and a host of other features. You name it, you have it! However, keep in mind that this transformation is still in progress. Internet television and internet telephony are other features which have been developed of late. It will be very difficult to say to what level the internet will have reached after, say, a decade!

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