Sunday, July 10, 2011

Gaming Community Codes Of Conduct

By Ismael Jackson

Because online gaming groups are so popular, and so large, it is important for the hosts to put into place behavioral guidelines that members should follow.

Just like society as a whole, rules for behavior and etiquette are necessary in order for everyone to have a rewarding and enjoyable experience while interacting with an online gaming community.

Having good manners and decency is important, just as it is in the real world. Because people are on the other end of the computer, it should be seen as an extension of any other society, and people's feelings should be respected.

Stealing is one big thing to avoid, and if you see someone making a move towards getting something, the rudest thing anyone can do is sneak in there and grab it from the player right before they get there.

Everyone wants to win, but there is winning dirty as opposed to being fair and square. Avoid the temptation to roll over someone else on the way to the victory lap, and let others enjoy the game as well.

Sometimes being nice can also be a problem, especially when they are just learning how to play. There are times that players will need the assistance of others, while other times require their own skill and judgement. Let them let you know if there is something you can do to help them learn.

Chat etiquette is important in gaming as well as the real world too. Don't over chat, and if you are in a crowded room, don't fill the screen with repetitive requests. It is annoying and distracting for the other users online.

Remember to treat others like you would expect them to treat you. Asking for things is always better than demanding, and people will respond in a much more willing and nicer way if you do. If everyone would follow common courtesy, online gaming would be much more fun for everyone.

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