Monday, July 18, 2011

WOW Techniques to Get Through the Levels Fast!

By Emily Diaz

There are but a few contenders out there that can even come close to the World of Warcraft degree of quality as far as gaming experience. It has everything you could want in a game, from strategy to the length of time needed to advance. There are 80 levels in the game that your character can master, here are some tips to make that happen quicker.

Though you might want to avoid going Alliance instead of the Horde, you probably do want to reach level 80 in World of Warcraft. This is written so you will be prepared for that.

First you will need to understand that if you want to be level 80, you need to focus. Don't be lazy and take the "wait and see" approach to WOW - wait and see if you can get manna or health coming your way. Don't just be a grave-runner, either, as you are only killing time. In order to max your playing time, you will need to kill anything weaker than your character. Take as many of these little wins as you can on your way - you will see great progresss over time if you level this way.

The next thing you need to do is to be certain you perform as much as possible all at once. You will notice that as you go along, the levels in the game will become increasingly harder to complete. Some think that by doing one thing at a time they are getting things done, when a better strategy has proven to be finish many local quests at one time. Spend more time accepting quests to get ready for this of leveling up your character.

Regarding accepting quests: you have 2 options to level up here. You can take the route of grinding it out (killing as much as you can), or you can take on quests. Of course, these will overlap at times, as some quests are quests to grind away. Of the two tactics, taking on quests is the way to go to level up quickly. This will gain you experience, gold and tons of items. When you want to find a quest to take on, look for the yellow "!" over the characters, they're looking for heroes to complete their quest.

If you want to level up in World of Warcraft, then you want to choose quests that you can handle. Pick the quests that are geared for those 2-3 levels under you, rather than the more challenging quests. It may seem counter-intuitive since you'll gain less experience for each kill, but the fact is you'll get more done. These smaller victories really add up fast, you'd be amazed at the difference!

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