Friday, July 29, 2011

Should You Give Your Laptop a Touch Gadget?

By Shannon Hilson

Touch screens laptops have brought a revolution in the tech world of laptops. To see the pace of new inventions and technology one could only expect sensing laptops in the future. The touch screen laptops are gaining popularity but they are not affordable for everyone because of their top end prices. So far most people are enjoying them from a distance and we feel very excited after catching their glimpse on TV shows or hi tech computer labs. Practically every person wants this laptop and many people are wondering when their prices will be lowered.

These laptops have made the idea of work connected with fun and trouble free. The mere idea that we don't need to use a mouse or keyboard gets you excited. We want to widen our screens and flip the pictures up and down, scroll down the pages of our documents and make drawings with the finger touch. People who were tired of using the touch pads of laptops must be very happy.

The touch screen technology is based on sensors, converters and decoding software. When we touch the screen the sensors pick up the signal and forward it to the converter that convert it into the language understood by the software and the action is taken on the user command. Reading it here makes in seem easy but the actual process is surely not.

Laptop companies are using various techniques to produce the touch screen effect. For touch screen to be effect it is necessary that there is net of energy waves covering the screen. It can be in form of ultra sonic waves, mild electric current or infrared waves. When we touch the screen the waves at that particular area are blocked and the sensors send the signals to converters and from there software take its role and decode the information and the desire operation takes place.

Technology lovers can not resist this mesmerizing product. They want to get their hands on it as early as possible but the high prices are holding a lot pf people behind. So understanding the despair of people NAVIsis has introduced a gadget that can convert your regular laptop screen into a touch screen. It is not exactly same as touch screen laptop as you can not freely touch the screen.

Users are provided a stylus to use on the screen it can be called a laptop pen and its tip is made from the material which is less damaging to your screen as compared to your fingers. Be sure to buy a good quality product which will be a little expensive then the second grade product. Installation is easy if the instruction manual is followed.

This gadget is for people who need to draw and make angels everyone should not install it. Because it will do no good for them instead it will damage the screen of their laptops. If you are using such gadget be sure to use the stylus to operate the touch screen. Because the oils and other sticky material form fingers can transfer to the screen.

Regular laptop screens are not made on the principal of touch screen that is why they can easily get damaged try to avoid nails and fingers and the good advice for technology lovers is to wait till the prices come down of original touch screen laptops.

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