Sunday, July 17, 2011

How to become pro at Starcraft 2

By Cedric Szechun

Starcraft 2 is a real time strategy game that was the sequel to the well known hit of Starcraft brood war. The original Starcraft has been the model of all real time strategy games after it due it's innovative race balances and micro and macro mechanics. It has also been widely adopted, in South Korea it is a national sport with many different leagues and matches are often streamed on TV. In North America and beyond Starcraft 2 has become one of the most mainstream games. There has been many media focuses on this game such as YouTube channels and sites such as IGN which has recently created it's own Starcraft league.

Although Starcraft 2 is the sequel to Starcraft brood war, it's characteristics are far from the same as the later. In many ways there are very close similarities but there are also very distinct game mechanics which defines Starcraft 2. As shown by example from the famous Terran emperor(Boxer), Starcraft 2 is a completely different game because even though the has been many world renown leagues such as the GSL;Boxer has not won any of them.This is the same Boxer who has won world championship 4 times running and has made Starcraft the e-sports game it is now.

In Starcraft brood war the game featured a two dimensional isometric view with manual controls micro/macro controls. Each unit group was only limited to have 12 units and harvester units like the probe had to be manually commanded to harvest. The was also weird patting issues which caused micro anomalies which allows units to stack onto of each other for extended periods of time. In Starcraft 2 this is considered impossible due to improved developer coding and design philosophy. If the Starcraft genre was a car the original would be a manual transmission and the later would be a automatic.

The meta game has changed and what has worked before cannot be said to work in starcraft 2. Shortly after the release of Starcraft 2, many build orders and stragies were transferred over to the original. Over time though it has shown that none of these strategies and tricks has worked. Many players were dedicated to finding out the new cookie cutter build orders and strategies. While these strategies has trickled back into the mainstream, many hidden strategies are only known by the few. This is where guides come in, the people who write Starcraft guides are usually professional players who dedicate themselves to finding these strategies. They often test out their own strategies and tricks and by using these guides mainstay players such as yourself now have access to the knowledge of professionals with little effort.

Starcraft 2 guides help beginners with thier game. They are written by experts who know what they are talking about. Some beginners do not know what to do, but experts can teach them the proper steps to achieve certain things. Experts also know tips and tricks of Starcraft 2 that beginners usually dont come across.

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