Saturday, July 9, 2011

Web Hosting for Misers

By Gregory Trune

It is increasingly fashionable to host a website and this is true for businesses or individuals. Many new web site business owners have many other areas to budget for and this means that the amount of money they have to spend on web hosting is limited. Similarly, the individual may not want to spend too much money for a service where they do not require a lot of space or features. This has led to the creation of startup packages with these consumers in mind.

If you need to keep your expenditure low, there are a number of options open for web hosting. There will be drawbacks and limitations of these services but they will come in a much more reasonable price.

Key areas of shared web hosting.

What is Shared Web Hosting? - A shared web hosting service or virtual hosting service or derive host is one of the methods that allow small business owners and individuals host their web sites at affordable or economical rates. It actually refers to a web hosting service where many websites reside on one web server connected to the Internet. This is generally the most economical option for hosting as many people share the overall cost of server maintenance.

This is why many small or medium sizes firms are looking to sign up to a shared web hosting service. Each site has its own place on the server which keeps it apart from other sites so this is not an issue but the cost factor is what is best for many firms.

Choosing this form of web hosting service will usually be included in a bundle with other features. A firm may also receive a number of email accounts which makes it even more attractive to a small or medium sized business.

There are good points to this system but there are also negative issues. A customer can save money but there are limitations and there may be issues that arise in the long term provision of this service:

The shared web hosting service providers do not properly support secure websites (HTTPS). All name-based virtual hosts using the same IP address share the same digital certificate.

* If there are times that the DMS (Domain Name System) is unable to work as it should then it is extremely difficult to use a website that is virtually hosted.

* There is a problem in that they do not work with browsers who are unable to pass the hostname along with the requests. This can be seen in the fact that older HTTP/1.0 browsers are unable to process the host field element of the HTTP/1.1 protocol.

Web Hosting at a low price

Cheap web hosting is a wonderful money saver package for those who desire to create their personal home page, where only private information about them will be included. In such cases, the owner of the site may not have great goals, thus, does not require a lot of bandwidth and disk space. With cheap web hosting, such people can get their purpose served and at the same time save money on Web Hosting.

It is possible to have good service from a cheap web host provider and this can be shown by the following firms who offer good web hosting for a price less than $10:

* IX webhosting

* Hostgator

* GoDaddy

* GoDaddy

* Hostony

* Lunarpages

* midPhase

* Lunarpages

* midPhase

* Netfirms

Web Hosting on a budget

Budget web hosting is one of the most popular types of web hosting since it doesn't require a lot of investments and thus helps in saving money. It however provides with top-quality services and options. There are many Web Hosts, which offer budget hosting. If you want to save money and yet get good quality service then budget hosting is what you require.

Web Hosting for free:

Understanding the free Web Hosting service. Free web hosting is made possible by having adverts on your site and being offered a reduced number of functions. Many sites claim to offer free web hosting and their provision is perfect for people who do not want to spend money on their website and do not require many features. These free hosts are usually catered for on a subdomain or perhaps a directory. The features that are found on a free web host include:

* A control panel based on the web

* Scripting languages like PHP, ASP, Perl etc.

* When they are domain or subdomain hosted, free email accounts

* The ability to use FTP to transfer files

* Relational databases such as MySQL

* Processes that are scheduled

* No limits placed on space with regards to data limitations

* Community services like forums that would not be provided by a number of paid hosts

* Reward systems which provide extra free products and services

Many people see free web hosting as a good way to trail a site and many firms offer the basic package for free and then charge for an upgrade. This means users can determine if they like the service at no charge. There are plus points and bad points to free web hosting. There is no monthly fee but there may be many features you want but do not have, like having support or availability at all times. There are a host of free web sites and you may wish to look at Agility Hoster, Free Domain Site, Gigacities, Free Space or AX Space. If these do not suit your needs, the following firms may be better, Free Webhosting Pro, Free Webhosting, Trap 17, X10 Hosting and ForwardHost.

Limitations of Free Web Hosting:

* There is a limited size of each hosted file

It offer very small bandwidth per month compared to paid hosting

* It is not possible to hotlink files

It has File type restrictions (for example MPEG, MP3, ZIP etc.)

* You need to have the Webhosts banner or Popup ads on every page.

There is no uptime guarantee provided

However, depending on your needs, a free web host server can be effective and fill all your requirements. There is no need for investment and can provide enough services to enable you to start any project online.

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