Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The Nice Deal About Discounted Software

By Jack Ronalds

Nowadays computers are a necessary on the job and for many personal uses. However, the price of computers and software can be expensive and certainly aren't within reach of everyone. Some people have turned to using illegal copies of software they can't afford otherwise. There are strict laws against using pirated software but that doesn't stop some people.

You have to ask yourself if you think saving a few dollars is worth going to jail? Probably not. There are actually more disadvantages than advantages to using pirated software.

The obvious drawback is that pirated software is of course, illegal. If caught you could face fines and other penalties. Additionally, pirated software can not be relied on to provide the same level of performance as the legitimate version. It may not be eligible for updates and could leave your computer susceptible to virus' and corrupting influences.

Why take the risk? There are other alternatives. You can buy your software from a discount store. Discounted software is a cheaper and legal. You buy the same original version for about half the retail price.

Don't be deterred by the name. Discount software doesn't mean it is defective or poor quality. It's the regular product created by the software company, it is just an older version or discontinued line. It's still a high-quality product.

There are a lot of respected discount software retailers out there. They will provide you will quality, original software at low prices. Do some research before you buy, though.

It helps to know if the dealer is established in the discount software industry. Be sure to ask about their fair return policies. All reputable dealers should have them. If they don't, buy from someone else.

For online purchases, inquire about their delivery service and what the charges are. There are companies that are less reputable and will hike up the delivery charge to make up for the discount on the software.

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