Sunday, May 1, 2011

A List Of The Benefits Of Server Co-location

By Alfonso Hinton

An online presence is of the utmost importance for many businesses. Having a decent presence on the internet is more of a necessity than a choice, if you want to reach those high levels of success. Choosing the wrong networking and server hosting solution, however, can be a fatal mistake that can truly make or break your chances for success in your online efforts. To ensure that you are choosing the option that best fits the needs of your business, it is vital that you consider ever option available to you for your server hosting needs.

Many have found that colocation services offer benefits and peace of mind that cannot be offered through any other form of server hosting currently available - including the veritable cloud. When you choose to use the services of a so called "colo" or colocation service, as opposed to putting out the capital to build your own data center, or rely on the resources of your location, you are contracting out the use of space in a full fledged data center, including the daily routine maintenance and management.

For those who send and receive large quantities of sensitive or personal data on a regular basis, or for those who are in the field of e-commerce which involves the selling of products, services, or information online, a colocation server can be very beneficial. There are a good number who have found this to be a far more effective alternative to the purchasing of all the resources and other means it would take to truly create a functioning and working data center. It is not simply enough to have the technological workings for a data center, and the server technology alone is expensive enough. Required is also fail-safe options, bandwidth capabilities, as well as a specialized building in which to house all the necessary equipment.

When you choose a co-location option, many of your networking and processing capacity is handled off-site at the data center through which you have contracted. What makes this such a great option for business owners is that you get that added peace of mind that comes from handling a good deal of your data and vital functioning in an off site location. When you choose to have your data, server, and networking processes handled by an off site third party, should the unthinkable occur and something not only happen to your internal personal business network, or the building that your business is located in, or even to the actual machines through which daily work is performed, that your vital processes and data will be safely stored at that off site location.

The choosing of a colocation service is not only far more cost effective for many businesses, as the upfront costs of building a data center are incredibly high and prohibitive, and by choosing said services you can get the peace of mind that data management in an off site location provides, as well as the knowledge of the security of your data and related networking processes. Without having the hassles that come with managing your own server, or having to have the appropriate infrastructure to house the servers, you still get the freedom of choice as to which server technology you choose to go with. There are many who have found that this is a more cost effective alternative to building a full on data center, and there are many businesses for who building an on site data center just isn't an option, and this allows for the security and utility that many need.

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