Tuesday, May 3, 2011

WoW Strategies - Tips to Improve Your Character

By Ben Kruz

This brief World of Warcraft strategy guide will give both Horde and Alliance characters valuable tips to play more efficiently. You'll find yourself leveling a lot quicker after using these strategies.

Play your character rested whenever possible.

The reason for doing this is that in the rested state quests award you double the experience points. By building up a character's rested bonus to the maximum level over a couple of days, you could potentially carry out numerous quests and gain the double XP bonus the whole time. There's no point in wasting time if you don't have to and the rested bonus will really boost your leveling speed.

Green quests are your goal.

They're fairly easy and offer the biggest bang for the buck. By doing quests higher than green you'll find that you will die several times in the process if you are mobbed by several monsters at a time. Your armor will undergo more damage, which means more wasted time as you dash back to the closest town for repairs.

While leveling up, steer clear of instances.

Though the loot may be cool, the fact is you won't be leveling in an instance as fast as you would on a regular quest or two in the same amount of time.

Do several quests at the same time.

Every time you enter a new zone, try to grab as many new quests as you can. Read through the quest details and try to cluster together as many quests that are in the same direction at one time. This will save you lots of time running from one end of the zone to the other trying to complete quests.

Wander to other areas. If you have finished all the easier quests in your own race's starting areas, don't be afraid to go all over the map to get those easy green quests. The bonus experience from finishing so many quests at a rapid pace will make you a power leveler before you know it.

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