Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Are We Going To See The End Of PC Gaming?

By Musa Aykac

According to online technology news, PC gaming is something that is going to be coming to an end pretty soon.

But the truth is that these claims have been going around for years but there is still no real sign that the end is coming for PC gaming. Although there more than likely will come a day when PC gaming does actually come to an end and we no longer use our computers to play games. The day when this happens could actually be nearer than you think.

Every time a new game console appears on the scene there are new dire predictions about the end of the PC as a gaming platform. But the introduction of new games consoles only serves to strengthen the case for PC gaming. This is because when you buy a console you are then tied to it and you know that the developers will eventually stop making games for it.

So the fact that the PC gaming platform is never going to become obsolete is probably the reason for its popularity. PC gaming also offers the gamer so much more by way of choice. PC gaming seems to get a boost every time a games console goes out of date.

It is the internet and mobile devices which are posing the biggest threat to the PC gaming world and not the games console as some people think. The speed of the internet is improving all the time as is the technology. It is now possible to play games online with friends and actually enjoy them.

Of course you can do this with a PC but in the future it is likely that we will prefer to do this with mobile devices like the iPad. A growth in the popularity of an open source version of technology like this will surely spell the end for PC gaming.

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