Thursday, January 13, 2011

Copying Wii Games: An In-Depth Instruction Book

By Suzanne Carol Clark

Several readers have requested more specific guidelines concerning how to duplicate Wii game titles, so I have written them up today for you to enjoy!

In the early days of the Wii, it was already possible to play copied games. However, this involved installing a device known as a mod chip. Mod chips are alright - they do the job - but they involve voiding your Wii warranty. And who wants that?

Now, no mod of the Wii itself is required. Instead, you can simply utilize some rockin' software which allows you to strip the encryption off of the games - essentially modding the games instead of the console!

So, before I get in trouble for being too wordy, here are the instructions:


Now, these first few steps involve your PC or Mac. Download the game copying software package to your PC's hard drive unit. You should be able to find the package by Googling the phrase "how to backup Wii games".


Install that bad boy. This isn't difficult if you've ever installed a program on a computer before. Just double-click the executable, and take all of the defaults. It'll take about 5 minutes, and will let you know when it's done.

Step Numero Tres:

Think carefully about which your fave game is that you would like to backup first. Take it out of it's case. While holding it in your hand, move your arm toward your CD or DVD burner on your PC. Insert that bad boy.

Step Numero Cuatro:

Now, run the game copy software that you just installed.


Now, you need to "rip" the game disc. This means that you'll be copying all of the information on the disc to your computer (you could actually play it on your PC if you download an emulator, but that's for another article...) In the game copying application, pick "extract". Now, browse within the software to wherever you want to extract it to. I recommend the root of your C: drive. Start the rip.


Copy complete. Right? Now, I need you to get your keys and get in your car. Go to the nearest electronics store and purchase a pack of the best blank CDs or DVDs that you can afford. Drive back. Pop open a soda. Ok, now, remove the Wii game from your PC's burner drive. Insert the blank disc. Within the game copy application, go into "write" mode. Start the burn.


Sit there for a few minutes and twiddle your thumbs. Or look at a magazine from under your bed. I don't care. Point is, the burn will take about 15 minutes, so just chill for a few. When the app pops up a screen saying that it's done, and plays some cheesy music, you'll know that your game has been burned. Try not to do a happy dance. Now, put the master copy of the game up somewhere safe.

And now, you've learned how to copy Wii games!

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