Monday, January 24, 2011

Wow Armory EU - The Inside Scoop You Must Know About!

By Andrew Smith

Today the PC gamers have grown to love Massive Multi-player Online Role-Playing Games. With so many being produced they are very similar to each other and you rarely see one game that stands out from the rest. Typically they all follow the same format: Level up your character, defeat enemies and fulfill the tasks. However with all this being said there is one game that follows the typical format but has managed to stand out from the crowd and become a massive favorite for gamers.

World of Warcraft abbreviated by the gamers as Wow, has become a phenomenon. It is probably one of the best games to ever hit the gaming world. The reason why this game is such a big hit is because it has turned the MMORPG world on its head and taken things to a new level. Wow has managed to become more than just a game, for most players the game has become a way of life. Even if you do not play the game you can still see the effect the game has had on millions of gamers around the world, it's hard to avoid it!

Over the past few years World of Warcraft's fan base has got bigger and bigger. In Europe the game has got more players than the rest of the world, it is massive! You could say this is because Europe has many nations that have access to the internet. The great thing about World of Warcraft being an online game is that it allows the gamers to go online and link up with their characters. There is a database called the World of Warcraft Armory Database Europe which is more commonly known as the Wow Armory EU. Wow Armory EU is an online database available for Wow players to connect to and view important things such as the latest items your character has purchased or what armor he is wearing. This a great addition to the Wow franchise especially since the Europe fan base is so big. It allows players to become more embraced in the game and at the same time socialize with other gamers.

It does seem like the Wow Armory EU has been a great addition so far and will continue to be, however when it was first released there were some hiccups that the players were not happy about. For example some of the players hated the fact that other players people can see information about their character and made a complaint. There were also claims raised about people being more open to getting hacked.

There may be some drawbacks to having such an open access to certain information about certain players, but you still cannot undermine the benefits that it brings. Along with the strengthening of player-to-player connections it is also a great way for the moderators to carefully examine the flow of each player's progress. And contrary to what many believed, scams have now been lessened due to the presence of Wow Armory EU.

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