Sunday, January 16, 2011

Use This CityVille Strategy To Make Massive Amounts of Coins

By Kline Drusher

The way these simulation games work never seem to stop attracting thousands of players online. A big reason is that it plays on the people's need to build something like a city, businesses and make it all work together. Much like the old computer game SimCity, Cityville plays on that instinct and has rapidly became the top game on Facebook. Unlike FarmVille you will need to apply a specific CityVille strategy to become successful.

The objective of CityVille is to build a thriving and prosperous city. And to get your city growing, you need a lot of City Coins which is really not so difficult if you know what to build early in the game to generate all that money. It's like SimCity on a stand-alone PC game, but this time, the game is played on Facebook so you can take advantage of your social networking circuit with some social skills to get your city growing with gifts and intercity business from your Facebook friends. Here are some strategies you can do.

For starters, attracting people to live in your city is one sure strategy to get most of the resources you need to build your city. To do that, you need to build stores that attract the most people or generate the most income. Forget about building a flower shop, a bakery, a toy store and other low revenue generation businesses.

Building businesses all together works well and make sure all your businesses are on a road. Coffee shops bring in a lot of money. Put up decorations around your coffee shops and you can bring in even more money.

Placement of your stores is an important CityVille strategy. If you notice there's an empty space at the end of the city road. Keep an empty 44 space surrounded by decorations of trees and flower beds that you can build around the space. Decorations can double up the payout taxes from a coffee shop.. Afterall, an appealing business location always attracts people.

Once your coffee shops are generating profits, move them into the decorated 44 area to collect your payout bonus which doubles up in these areas. Then just move them back to their original location to restock them.

To get your money faster from the coffee shops, place them around your houses. By allowing the people easier and quicker access to your business the faster you can start collecting money from those coffee shops.

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