Sunday, January 16, 2011

Starcraft 2 Zerg Micro Skills

By Eric Bator

When talking about Zerg micro, we are talking about manipulating specific troops during battle. If you are starting out, it is more important to master Zerg macro skills before attempting to micro. The Zerg have numerous inexpensive troops and are excellent at producing new ones, so focusing on individual soldiers is not a good tactic unless you're able to do it while adequately handling your economy, resource collection, and troop generation simultaneously. Nonetheless, once you are proficient at macro there are several very effective Zerg micro techniques that will help you significantly in battle.

Zerg Micro Skill - Basic Micro Strategies

As a Zerg player, it's especially important to keep abreast of what your opponent is doing and never get taken by surprise. Be sure to go after enemy units in smaller groups and overwhelm them with numbers. Because Zerg units are so specialized, be sure to align your troops in battle so you will win each time.

Zerg Micro Strategy - Burrowed Roaches

This tactic is good for the middle of the game, after you have researched Burrow. It also works best when your opponent does not posses too many Detectors. At an expense of 100 Vespine gas and 100 Minerals, Burrowing is one of the smartest technologies to research. Early battle Burrowed Roaches are really tough for your opponent to detect, and will provide you with a huge advantage in battle.

Use your Roaches to quickly kill enemy units one by one. When your enemy counters, burrow your Roaches then pop back up to destroy another enemy troop. Since Roaches regenerate health so fast (around 10 hp per second while burrowed), you'll be able to heal while burrowed and then be fully recovered when you go in for your next attack. When employed correctly, this technique can distract the enemy and get amazing results.

Zerg Micro Technique - Decoy with Mutalisks

Keep the Mutalisks you generate circulating continuously to distract your enemy. By moving them around, your opponent won't know how many you have and will be careful before attempting to attack you. If you don't have a lot of Mutalisks, this decoy tactic will get you time to tech up and generate additional soldiers. Using this technique quickly in the battle will allow you to reach the late game with a strong economy. If you can reach the twelve minute mark with good resource generation and at least 3 Hatcheries, it should be no problem overcoming your opponent.

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