Monday, January 31, 2011

Xbox 360 Green Screen - The Right Way To Resolve Xbox 360 Green Screen Of Death

By Irvin Ewing

Got the Xbox 360 green screen of death problem? Desire this problem to be fixed? That difficulty can be pretty hard to mend, and exactly because of this, many of us will tell you to send your problem-fixing console over to Microsoft and pay $150. But is this truly necessary? Can you really fix your console...By yourself... ?

Some tips That May Fix Your Xbox 360 Green Screen Problem

1) Check for loose wires.

2) Try to unplug all wires apart from the power rope, and plug them back in.

3) Take away the hard-drive, then restart your console.

4) Once the Xbox 360 green screen problem is gone, get the hard-drive back in while your console has been shut down.

If these tips failed to fix your console, then you have got to consider selecting one of these 2 options.

Xbox 360 Green Screen Fix By Microsoft

What you can do is that you send your console over to Microsoft. That's right, Microsoft has a type of repair service to mend your Xbox 360 green screen error, but it's obvious that it isn't absolutely free. Microsoft is a massive company, and an organization like that

So what did they come up with? You send your console over to them ; wait 3-8 weeks, and on top of that... You will have to pay $150 if your guaranty has been expired.

Xbox 360 Green Screen Fix By Yourself With A guide

In actual fact this is your best option. It's inexpensive and it's fast and there's just one drawback attached to this. It takes one hour of your time... But hey, to earn back your $150 will generally take longer than 1 hour... Right?

When you do an Xbox 360 green screen fix all by yourself, it's strongly recommended to utilize a repair manual. This costs some money, but it's not costly. What you'll get back in return is a step-by-step manual that contains easy to comprehend instructions that's coming together with detailed stills and step-by-step videos.

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1 comment:

  1. you copied this from


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