Monday, January 17, 2011

What Can We Expect Next from Technology in 2011?

By Musa Aykac

2010 was a great year for new technology and many of us are wondering how 2011 could possibly live up to this. Is it even possible for mobile or non mobile devices to improve any more? Trying to picture devices which are an improvement of what is available at the moment is pretty hard to do.

At the start of last year we probably couldn't have predicted some of the advances and the same is going to be true when we reach the end of 2011. Here are just some of the things we might be able to experience in 2011.

- Google TV is going to really take over next year. The way that we watch TV will be revolutionised by this and it is bound to have a big affect on mobile devices. We can expect to not only be watching a lot more entertainment as we move around through the day but we will also be participating a lot more in the action.

- Facebook is going to start playing a bigger role in our technology as it continues in its quest for world domination. We may even see a device developed purely for Facebook users. We may see the end of email with this social media website and who knows, even the mobile phone might have had its day.

- We can expect a lot more devices that interact with our environment using GPS. It could even be the case that there will be devices which will tell us which venues to visit for entertainment and whether we are likely to see any of our social media friends there.

These are just some of the predictions for 2011 and not all of them might become reality we are sure to get plenty of surprised though next year.

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