Friday, January 28, 2011

A Quick Look At Free Pet Games Online

By Simon Smith

Free pet games online are actually virtual games where you can choose whatever animal you wish for your virtual pet. This can provide a means of having a companion for people who might not be able to have a live animal in their home or apartment. These games are not only fun, but can be very educational in teaching people of all ages how to properly care for a live pet, and can be invaluable in preparing a child for that all coveted 'first dog, or cat'.

All facets of grooming and interaction are addressed in these programs, including how to groom your choice of pets. A dog need have baths, and there are ways to prevent getting water inside their ears. Certain dogs have longer hair, and there are special techniques for drying them off, as well as how and what direction to brush their fur.

Toe nails and hooves need to be trimmed, not just to protect flooring and furniture coverings, but to prevent structural damage to their bones. This part of the game can included detailed instructions on the names of the parts of the dog's foot, and how the nail is constructed so that you don't 'quick' them during trimming.

The first thing a lot of people think of when they hear the word 'dog', is dog tricks, and although these are cute, the basic commands of obedience are more important for the enjoyment of the dog, and the people. Teaching them to sit, stay and come when called are included, and then you get to the tricks of begging for a morsel of food, or shaking hands.

There are other animals that can be pets, and if you choose you can have a parrot that will teach you how to train them to talk, and do neat tricks. But, they also have grooming needs, and certain health issues which you will learn how to attend.

Fish might be your choice of the type of pet to have, and with these games you can build your own aquarium from scratch. Then enjoy watching them swim around as you release them into their virtual environment. There are a lot of responsibilities that go along with taking care of fish, and you need to know which ones can be allowed in the same aquarium.

A pet cow could be very interesting, maybe even plan a whole cattle ranch, and design and build your barn and round up pens for vaccination time. Practice moving them from one pasture to another, driving out to give them hay. Sheep are also a possible pet, and you can learn all the ins and outs of proper show stock care.

Turkeys, horses and camels are good choices for learning animal care, and you can show and tell your friends that you have a pet turkey. Everything you need to create the virtual world of animal husbandry is available through instructional format, and you can arrange and rearrange your farm, show center, even pet store, any way you wish, when playing your free pet games online.

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