Thursday, January 13, 2011

Terran Tactics

By Eric Bator

There are three races in SC2. Terran's are generally considered the most defensive. Even though the Terran race is the focus of the single player mode, many of the strongest units are unavailable when battling other players. This may change in the future after the Zerg and Protoss expansion packs arrive. Terran's are a simple race for beginners in the multiplayer game. Terran's can use various strategies to oppose the enemy due to the species' flexibility.

One of the Terran's best proficiencies is the ability to relocate the command centers to a safer area as combat progresses, with all the units it can carry inside it. This would be a more useful ability if the maps were larger, but can still be tremendously useful if the relocation is used at the right time.

General Terran Strategies Most beginner Terrans have a tendency to turtle, strategizing that if they have siege tanks, bunkers, and supply depots all around their command center and guarding their entrance it makes them invulnerable to attack. Make sure to use quick soldiers like Reapers and Hellions to enlarge your reach as much as possible, otherwise soon your command center will be overpowered no matter how strong your defense is.

Be sure to spy and harass your enemy while enhancing your technology, economy, and base. Most players underestimate the SCV unit - they are excellent defensive units that are also extremely helpful while on the offensive. SCV units cannot cause much damage, but can repair other machines during in a battle as well as construct bunkers and turrets. It's strategically sound to have some SCV units on the side so you can use them for offense - they can turn a close call into a win.

Hellions and Marines A effective rush attack for early game attacks is to spawn Hellion and Marines together. A quick offensive with these units at the start of the war will destroy most enemy troops. Just make sure not to allow your foe to tech up first or your rush attack won't get far.

MMM Starting with Marines and Marauders is another excellent strategy with two complementary units. Spawning Marines and Marauders at the beginning of the game is an additional useful rush attack tactic. It's critical to build the Marines as soon as you can in the battle's beginning stages. Because they are expensive units, be certain to heal them and not allow them to die. Make sure to pull out soldiers that are close to dying so you can let them be healed, so you won't have to make new ones. Quickly building Marines is very effectual when facing a Zerg opponent. Marauders are slow, strong troops that are difficult to kill|, and can slow down attacking units. Marines can attack both aireal and ground armies and are extremely powerful when there are a lot of them, but can be very easy to take out (particularly from behind). The combination of Marines and Mauraders is extremely challenging to defeat, especially when adding some Medivac troops as the battle continues.

Banshee Rush The third Terran early game offensive technique is to quickly tech up and then develop Banshees. Have them demolish as many early enemy soldiers as you can. Make certain to construct a refinery and research all the tech necessary to develop Banshees. Then start spawning them and destroying the weaker enemy units immediately. This attack will fail completely if your opposing player finds out about it, so make certain not to get spied on. If you use a decoy plan at the start and remain a secret, then you will have an almost 100% win.

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