Sunday, January 16, 2011

PC Games And How To Stop Them Crashing

By Musa Aykac

One of the most annoying things about PC gaming is when you are playing something and it crashes. This could be at the most important part of the game; maybe you are just about to get past a section that has been tormenting you for days. You are just about to jump for joy because you have finally completed this difficult stage of the game and then it crashes and you know you are going to have to start all over again. This is so frustrating, but there are things you can do to help stop PC games from crashing. In most instances these crashes will occur because our computer isn't up to the challenge of running the game; there are things we can do to improve things though.

- The most common reason why games crash is that there is a mismatch between what the game requires and what your computer is providing. This is why you are always advised to check the computer requirements on the back of a game box before you actually spend your money on it. If your current computer cannot meet the requirements of the game then you can either upgrade your system or choose an alternative game. You should not be surprised if your game keeps crashing if you have loaded it onto a computer that does not meet the requirements.

- You may find that your game keeps crashing if you have too many programs running on your computer in the background. A way to stop this from happening is to make sure that you don't have programs running which you don't need when you are playing your game and that the start up menu does not have any necessary programs on it.

- Make sure you have enough space on your hard drive because if you don't it will mean your game has nowhere to store data needed for the game.

- Regularly defrag your computer to ensure that files can be found easily; if you don't it just slows down the computers performance.

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