Thursday, January 27, 2011

How To Become A PC Game Tester?

By Musa Aykac

The possibility of being paid big money just for playing games is going to interest a lot of people. There are those who might doubt the existence of such a dream job, but it is honestly possible. The developers of these games will pay quite a bit of money to have people test their games so that they can be sure they are not releasing bad games onto the market.

So you are now probably wondering what skills or qualifications you would need to be considered for a game testing job; well the following are some things to think about.

- Although you don't have to have any actual game testing qualifications for this type of job, you should have finished high school at least. However you will have a greater chance of picking up a game testing job if you have a degree in computers or graphic design for example.

- Part of the job of a game tester is to write high standard technical reports and that is the reason why you need to have finished high school. If you like game playing but hate writing you probably won't be able to make it as a game tester. The ability to write is crucial for all game testers.

- A game tester will need to be highly motivated and able to work alone without constant direction. These skills can be hard to develop if you are naturally laid back and hedonistic. Game testers have to be prepared to make sacrifices in this job in particular with their time. You will also change your relationship with games and it will no longer be so much about fun but more about work.

So there you have just some of the qualifications needed to work as a game tester; do you have what it takes?

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