Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Instructions on How to Copy Wii Games

By Cortne Winegard

I was accosted on the street the other day by a reader who was desperate. He had tried everything to try to learn how to copy Wii games. Nothing seemed to be working for him. So, as a last resort, he pulled me into an alley and picked my brains. I'm about to break down for you exactly what I told him. Enjoy!

You've probably heard that in order to play copied Wii games, you have to install a mod chip and void your warranty, right? Well, this used to be the case. But no more!

These days, there's a more sensible choice. Some resourceful coder made a software application which will essentially strip the security off of Wii games so that you do not have to mod your own Nintendo wii whatsoever in order to enjoy the duplicated games.

But, I have a tendency to ramble, and I think I'm starting to. So, without any more talk on my part, let's get to the actual guide...


Download the app that the programmer that I talked about previously created. When you download it, it will come in the form of a .exe file. Save it to your computer in a location that you'll remember.


Set up the program. Find the file on your desktop. Double click it. Click next whenever that it asks you. You'll be aware that you are done when you are getting a screen informing you that the installation is complete.


Select the Wii game that you would like to duplicate. Load it in the optical drive (the CD or DVD burner) on your pc or Macintosh.

4th Step:

Launch the game clone application that you just installed. (Just double click on the icon on the desktop)

5th Step:

Now, you can't just copy from one CD drive to another like you can with a music disc. There is an intermediate step. You need to rip the game to your PC. This basically means that you are copying the entire contents of the game disc to your computer before you put it onto a blank disc. Tell the program that you want it to be in "extract" mode, then hit start.


The rip should have completed successfully at this point. If not, then you probably did something wrong, or else the game is scratched already, in which you might be out of luck. I'll assume that everything went correctly. Remove the game disc and put it back into it's case. You're done with it for now. Load up a blank CD+/- R into your PC. Put the program that you're using into "write" mode - this option should be in a drop down at the top. Go to the .ISO which you ripped in the last step. Hit "Go".

7th Step:

Now, it's time to play the waiting game. Burning a game involves burning up to 2+ gigabytes of information, and it can take up to 12 minutes. When it's finished, it will pop up a completion screen and play some music. At this point, you're all set! You just need to remove the disc, label it, and play it! Don't fail to put the master copy up somewhere that it will be safe!

Which means that you now needn't be a computer hardware hacker or void the warranty in order to back-up games as is your legitimate right. Just adhere to these directions, and you will be all set!

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