Friday, January 14, 2011

Powerleveling Strategies To Step Up Your WOW Character

By Carlos Garcia

Smart World of Warcraft gamers take their time powerleveling so they can advance quicker. This is a tactic in which a higher level player will help out a lower level player to win in an enemy battle. Those who have less power will benefit because otherwise they would easily have been defeated if left on their own.

Once you defeat an enemy that has a higher level than you, the player who has less experience and power will get a reward in experience points reflecting the greater challenge such a battle deserves. Of course, the more experience you get, the quicker you level up. Powerleveling has really become a key strategy amongst a lot of gamers in WOW.

Many reasons exist for why someone would want to power level. The obvious reason is that a player wants to quickly advance past the intro levels so he or she can enjoy greater challenges. In leveling up this way, the simpler landscape is left in the rearview mirror quicker. Since there are so many who are doing this, a lot of companies are making ways for players to do this easier.

You need to recall that as you go about powerleveling, the idea is that you will need to go up in experience fast as possible. Nobody wants to have to wait days, sometimes even weeks, just to go up in level when they can do it much quicker. You will come across many different ways to increase your level quickly, but the method you choose will be one that makes the most sense to you.

You will find various guides that will help you out with powerleveling in the universe of World of Warcraft. Some of these guides will advise that you try several quests back to back without taking a break. Others will suggest that you plow forward and leave no stone unturned. Again, the way you go about it is simply going to depend on your gaming preference.

You really ought to look at how many items have been dropped so you don't waste your game time. Quests vary in their drop rate - you should choose the ones that make the most sense. Search for places that have the higher drop rates.

Finally, if you want to try powerleveling in WOW, you will simply need to get your hands on add-ons. Download the add-ons that will make the best use of your time and maximize your efforts in the field. There is one that tells you the experience per hour that you've received; others help organize your quests. Get the add-ons that will give you a tactical advantage.

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