Tuesday, January 18, 2011

CityVille Tips That Really Do Work!

By Brett Uti

In CityVille, the primary goal is to build the largest city possible and achieve mayor status. In order to do this there are many tasks and achievements that must be completed. Buy accomplishing these tasks you can level up in the game and try to reach level 50. If you are like me, you may have only gotten to level 10 or so in about a month. It is possible to get to level 35 in only about week or so if you follow these CityVille tips and cheats.

Finding cheats for CityVille are not easy. For the most part they are for the most part just really good tips. Many can be found in some of the forums. Here are some tips you can start using right now.

An important thing to remember is that CityVille is a game on a social network. So inherently social networking comes into play and has a lot to do with building a successful city. When first starting out you must make as many friends and neighbors as you can. Build houses which increases population and keep them happy by constructing community buildings.

The more neighbors you have in your city neighborhood, the more you can send and receive gifts, coins, free energy and reputation and the easier it gets to play the game and apply those cheats.

Crops and Business open the way to grow your city but you should always strike a balance between the two. Whenever you create houses, stores and businesses, you will need to supply them with crops. That way you gain experience and coins that you receive every hour. In addition, harvesting crops also can earn experience and coins. You can also unlock new stuff when you build stores and buildings and that can grow your city.

You have to plan appropriately when you are growing your crops. Different crops take different times to grow and mature. Strawberries take the shortest time and carrots seem to take the longest. So it's smart to grow the strawberries while playing and grow carrots while you are not playing so when you sign on you can start to make money right away.

You receive gifts from your friends in other CityVille cities though train stations, so build a few. You can also collect or help you neighbor by sending tourist buses to visit them and do other tasks you can offer. You can receive reputation and good experience this way.

Using the simple CityVille tips and cheats listed above will help you a lot. Many new players make a lot of mistakes starting out these suggestions will prevent you from wasting a lot of time.

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