Monday, January 10, 2011

The Easy Way To Repair The Xbox 360 Three Flashing Red Lights Of Death

By Oscar Parks

If you have owned an Xbox 360 for any period of time or know someone that has, then you're probably apprised of the dreaded "3 pulsating red lights of death". What are the "3 pulsating red lights of death?" they're when 3 of the 4 lights round the power button for the Xbox 360 start flashing red when the system is turned on. This is not the only problem that will happen with the Xbox 360, but this problem is one that commonly needs repair work to be done on the Xbox 360 in order for the blinking red lights to go away.

The Xbox 360 3 blinking red lights of death is a sign by the Xbox 360 unit of a General Hardware Failure. Turning the system off and on or allowing the unit to cool down won't dump the problem. The system will need to have repairs done. Microsoft support is able to perform these repairs, but there are some issues regarding this.

First, in order for Microsoft to patch up the Xbox 360, the unit must be sent to them. This process alone can take two weeks and dependent on the severity of the difficulty can cost around $150 to have the difficulty fixed. So after a couple of weeks and close to $150 you get your Xbox 360 system back and hopefully it is repaired. Hopefully meaning Microsoft was able to fix the issue and the system was returned without being damaged again in transit.

The alternative solution is to try to fix the 3 flashing red lights issue yourself. To try this you need to pickup the Xbox 360 Red Lights repair manual. This guide offers step-by-step instructions on how to simply fix the "3 blinking red lights of death" as well as other Xbox 360 issues like overheating, graphics errors, and freeze ups. Many people have reported using the Red Lights repair manual and getting their Xbox 360 back in working order in approximately an hour. Definitely quicker than the turn-around from Microsoft and much less expensive ( $25 ).

While the Xbox 360 three Flashing Red Lights is a showstopper for any Xbox 360 player, it's a problem that may be quickly and easily resolved using the right guide and tools. Rather than waiting two or more weeks for the Xbox 360 to return from Microsoft, a 360 player can perform the repairs themselves and get into gaming.

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