Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Improving Our Health Through Games

By Taylor Brown

Games make life worth living, and trying to describe how good and beneficial they are is impossible with bare use of words. To one person, it's just a game; but to another, it's more than life itself. Just look around you-aren't the most healthy people ones that are active in games?

An active and healthy person will out stand the rest in terms of their fitness and their masculine body, accompanied by good spirits, whether they emerge the winner or the looser. The quality of life will be enhanced by regular and consistent participation in games and as a result, improved development as well in aspects of their communal and physical capabilities. This applies to both the player and the spectator.

Through games, we learn the virtue of being disciplined, patient and courageous. Young children who get into sports at an earlier age stand out among their peers in areas of leadership, both in sports and in other areas of life. Overtime, we learn to develop our senses of loyalty that earns us a unique and admirable personality.

Video games are as important, They are offer an easier way out by improving the mood and rhythm of the player when experiencing stress, depression or any other disorder of the body. Team playing will develop your critical thinking and deductive reasoning strategies thereby fostering social skills. Our physical wellbeing is hence shaped and skills in younger children developed as they grow.

The intensity and the variety of any game played impacts the well being and health of the player. It becomes easier to beat diseases like obesity that come with lack of exercising and this leads to heart diseases and other long term ailments. Through games, obesity is combated as well as reducing other risks. Team games play a big role in developing strategies such as deductive reasoning and critical thinking thereby fostering social skills. They end up shaping our physical wellbeing and develop skills in young children as they grow.

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